A nice 20 mile run with
Mike this morning. It's been awhile since we've done 20. It felt good to hit nosebleed mileage in a workout again.
I am hoping my winter blues are on the fade. I've been leaning on friends to get out there. Tuesday and Thursdays are locked in with
Eric expecting me at 5:30. And Sundays, of course, with Mike. The rest of the week is hit or miss with motivation rather low.
But today I felt really good. The legs got sore on the run but I didn't mind. Mike had a blind moment at the coffee shop after the run. He was wearing his Blues Brothers prescription shades and was like a blind man at the coffee counter. I'm still chuckling.
The long run spawned a short five mile run this afternoon. Got out for a refreshing leg stretcher around 5:30pm. The first mile was rather stiff but everything loosened up by mile 2 and I felt pretty good and glad to be out there.
But it wasn't just me out there. Either it's a Sunday tradition that I've missed, or somebody just brought a bale in. I counted four cars driving around town with the marijuana smoke just pouring out. I'm surprised I wasn't light headed by the time I got home. So whoever sent the package, I can confirm your customers received it and were happy.