Sunday, August 03, 2008

Week Recap

Today I met up with Mike for 17 miles to end the week at a meager 39 miles. Vacation running started off ok with 9 miles on Monday and another 9 on Tuesday followed by a recovery 30 minute run on Wednesday.  Monday and Tuesday sort of drained me and by Wednesday I was feeling the effects of a disrupted routine.  The rest of the week found me just walking.

Today's 17 miler was a lot of fun as I related to Mike the details. Also, he is fresh back from PEI and a first hand look at the marathon course. The first 20 miles sound very encouraging. Some issues with ill-placed hills after that however.

But I'm refreshed and ready to ramp up the mileage for the final 8 weeks of training.


Blogger Love2Run said...

Nice run Andrew. These long runs go by quickly don't they? PEI will be a tough finish.

8/04/2008 7:41 AM  

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