Monday, September 18, 2006

Soft Landing

One of my favorite activities as a 5 year old was to perch on the arm of the couch and leap into super hero flight onto a pile of blankets. Everything was in place: danger, courage, thrill, and a soft landing.

Well that's what this taper is going to be for me. Time for a break. Time to let recovery do its work. Time to sleep.

I haven't posted since Thursday morning after the 12 mile drag. And with good reason. I've been caught up in a whirlwind of medical problems with my youngest daughter. It all came to a satisfactory conclusion today as we were finally discharged from the hospital after 5 days. And to boot: today was also the day my eldest daughter's cast came off her leg from her ankle break/surgery from 4 weeks ago. 

Tried to run on Friday to get 18 miles in but aborted the run at 7. Tired, hot, no energy. Superstitious, I canceled Saturday's 10 miler (I tend to do this when I bag a run the day before). Sunday, Mike invited me for a 17 mile 'long run'. My schedule called for this to be my final 22 miler but 17 miles sounded perfect to me. So we met up for a beautiful run around Boyden Lake and along the shore of the Passamaquoddy Bay. 17 was enough. The heart rate was slightly elevated for the effort and I was more than ready to declare my status as taper.

No run today but I was able to take my XC team to their meet. One of my runners won. She executed her race plan to a T. Tomorrow I intend on enjoying a nice 5 miler - sleeping in and all that.

With all that has gone on I am ready for that soft landing as I plummet from the heights of my training these past few weeks. I am sure it's there. It's just I'm still falling...


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