Monday, September 11, 2006

Running With Bread

Is not easy.

My thought was to run 4 comfort loops and on the fifth, stop by the Irving and pick up a loaf of bread and run with it.

So that's what I did except for a small diversion around 7 miles to run with Eric on his course. This added about 1/2 mile to my total. Anyway, I picked up the bread and my vision of just throwing the loaf under my arm and running home quickly fell apart. I mean the bread was falling apart. I didn't realize that I'd squash the poor slices via this method so I ended up holding the loaf by its neck. I must have been quite a sight. Running the last 1.2 miles with a loaf of Wonder bread swinging from my hand.

Plus I was wearing mittens. Today it was 47F and while not cold in March, this is considered cold in September. No frost in Eastport but I heard they had some up country. After yesterday's blow out effort, what I really wanted today was to be comfortable. So I put on the old standby running mittens (wool, green), an outer shell, and I was off. Nice and toasty and SLOW.

I was feeling it today. Nothing bad but my first mile was 9:41 which represented a runner gently landing his feet on the ground ever so softly. I know I like to start slowly, but this beat the record. Oh well. I deserve it. The whole run was a slow one but I didn't feel any lingering pain from the race and I didn't feel the miles until I was holding a loaf of bread. My loop paces were: 9:09 / 8:43 / 9:00 / 7:58 / 7:55 (partially w/bread).

Looks like I was able to run a little more smoothly after 9.5 miles. What's nine miles to warm up between friends? We'll see how tomorrow progresses. I'll be sure to stay within myself to make sure I recover fully from yesterday. Still a bit in a cloud. I had to take a nap yesterday just to make it through the day. These races really expend some energy. I'm glad I didn't plan on a second workout.

And lastly, I was startled by my own shadow this morning. It seems the moon was positioned high, high above catching the sunlight I could not see and reflecting it down on me at such an acute angle that my shadow was this condensed dark blob running just left and behind me. So at one point, crossing an otherwise pitch dark road (County Road from my race report), I thought a small animal (skunk) was running right next to me. I jumped, and so didn't my shadow proving there was only two of me.

Wacky 15.75 miles in 2:15:46. HR 136.


Blogger Legs and Wings said...

That's a crazy image.

Congrats on the 5 K race. You are a wild man! I loved reading that report.

The temptation to look left, right and behind would fry my brain!

9/12/2006 1:13 PM  

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