Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Two Good Runs

Leaving just 3 days of rest before the upcoming marathon, I have had the opportunity to test the legs for elasticity by putting in a couple of good runs. Yesterday's run on the Sipayik Indian Reservation at Pleasant Point was a lot of fun. Flat and along some beautiful Maine coastline, Eric and I ran 7.2 while the sun rose over Passamaquoddy Bay and Canada's Deer Island. Today, I put in 10.4 comprised of 2 x 5.2 mile loops. The first around 8min/mile and the 2nd loop @ 7min/mile. Felt good. Now I will rest for 2 days and possibly a third so as to feel fresh on race day.

As I type, the timing chip from Boston is staring at me. I need to mail it back. It looks like a little bug, spider-like. Made in Holland. There, chip fully examined. Need to mail it back. I will feel much better when, as I lean on the postal counter addressing the envelope back to the BAA, I have to keep moving my new finisher's medal out of the way so I can write. Someone's not dealing well with his DNF ha ha!


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