Friday, October 24, 2008

Salt on the Windshield

Not much to report as I tarry here in the Recovery Block.  I’ve been focusing on rest, rest, rest.  The soreness has left the legs so I think a run this weekend is in order.  It’s hard to imagine I have 3 more weeks of this phase.  With too much time on my hands and still on the high from the last marathon, I’ve been busy developing a winter training plan.


A quick history search on my blog will show lots of these goodies that never come to fruition (even though they always start off well).  Biggest change this time around will be training all systems and while following a general outline, choose the specific harder workouts week to week as the training develops.


In any event, the build doesn’t start until November 15th.  So until then, I’ll be loping around putting some blood through the legs but nothing else.  I’m leaning towards trying out the Cox Providence Marathon in May next year.


And finally… the wind was blowing so hard the other night that it was blowing the ocean spray with considerable force across the 2nd causeway leading to the Eastport.  I thought it was raining.  The next morning the windshield was encrusted with salt.


Blogger UMaine Cooperative Extension said...

Are you sure you just didn't spill your margarita on your windshield?

Sugarloaf. In May. Special Edition running camp.

10/24/2008 3:52 PM  

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