Saturday, January 14, 2006

Sympathy Taper

What else can I call this low mileage week of 32 miles if not some sort of 'sympathy taper' for Mike in AZ? I ran 3 days then somehow skipped 4. I know what it is but that doesn't make it feel any better. After a nice run with Mike & Steph for 19 miles last Sunday, I ran into math problems of my own. Monday's workout called for a nice recovery run of 45 minutes "in the zone", a warmup / cooldown and some gentle strides. The night before, in calculating how much time I would need to complete the entire workout, I somehow cheated myself out of 45 minutes - the exact time of the core workout. Isn't that suspicious? Another case of complete computational failure and again without any sign the error occurred. So, imagine my surprise when I awoke for my run and found I only had time to warmup and cooldown? I live life in a continual state of bafflement.

On Tuesday I hardwired the alarm clock to my body after several computer-assisted time calculations to assure that 1) I'd be up on time and 2) I'd have enough time to run. Success on both accounts as I enjoyed 30 minutes TIZ (time in zone) at high aerobic pace. Add the warmup and cooldown and I logged a pleasant 8.5 miles in the early morning. The workout called for a step progression using the HRM but I couldn't see the HRM in the darkness. Therefore, the workout turned out to be a "continuous fast run" which was fine. I even got another 3.1 miles in at lunch at a slow recovery pace. I was feeling great.

Wednesday needed a "low aerobic" run - following the hard/easy rule. Unfortunately, my eldest daughter was up sick and I was up all night tending her. So, no run Wednesday. No problem, these things happen. But what was waiting for me was a 3 day bout of 'tiredness' that seems to have stemmed from that one night. I suspect a low grade, behind the scenes, malaise that my body so far has denied center stage. I've been sleeping quite a bit and this seems to be the best medicine. Tomorrow, Mike & Steph are unavailable for a long run but I think Jon might be around for an easy 17. That would start the week off right.


Blogger Love2Run said...

Hope you come off your 'taper' in full stride. Stuff happens and you'll be even stronger with the rest. See you on the roads!

1/14/2006 5:30 PM  
Blogger Dallen said...

I love the idea of a sympathy taper.

1/15/2006 6:07 PM  
Blogger Run for Chocolate said...

I have been having a tough time getting up to run as well. I feel hopeful about the longer sunshine though.

1/23/2006 12:44 PM  
Blogger E-Speed said...

your body probably needed the rest! Hope the 17 goes well!

1/23/2006 3:08 PM  
Blogger Olga said...

Sympathy taper is a great idea, I should use it, I always have someone tapering:) Things happening, and life is not simply: wake up, run, go to bed. Don't worry about it.

1/24/2006 5:04 PM  

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